Kevin Sylvestre

Using OmniAI to Search LLM Embeddings with Ruby on Rails and Postgres

OmniAI recently included support for generating embeddings using both Mistral and OpenAI APIs. Embeddings paired with a vector search tool can be used to filter text used in the consturction of LLM prompts. An example use might be filtering a list of products to those relevant to a question being asked. This article explains indexing and searching embeddings using OpenAI, Ruby on Rails, Postgres, and OmniAI.


Start by creating a new Ruby on Rails application with Postgres:

rails new store --database=postgresql && cd store

With the basic app skeleton, OmniAI and Neighbor can be installed. OmniAI provides the interface needed to send both completion (e.g. chat) and embedding requests to various LLM providers (e.g. Anthropic, OpenAI, Mistral, Google, etc) through a unified interface. Neighbor provides the core pgvector constructs for searching via the approximate nearest neighbor search. Both can be added to the project using:

bundle add omniai omniai-openai neighbor

An initializer is required to configure OmniAI. This example uses OpenAI, but any LLM that supports generating embeddings works. This is optional if an ENV['OPENAI_API_KEY'] is present in on the system, but the OpenAI api_key can be configured using:

# config/initializers/omniai.rb
OmniAI::OpenAI.configure do |config|
  config.api_key = 'sk-...'

pgvector must also be installed if not already available. The documentation includes platform specific instructions for Mac and Linux. Alternatively, if using the on macOS this step may be skipped. Once pgvector is installed, it can be enabled in the app using:

rails generate migration enable_extension_vector
# db/migrations/...enable_extension_vector.rb
class EnableExtensionVector < ActiveRecord::Migration[7.1]
  def change
    enable_extension 'vector'


At this point the application has both OmniAI and pgvector installed and ready to use. The next step is to generate a table to store embeddings. This table maps an embedding (a list of floats) that can be used to compare the similarity of text against a polymorphic resource. The model can be generated using:

rails generate model embedding resource:references:polymorphic embedding:vector{3072}
# db/migrations/...create_embeddings.rb
class CreateEmbeddings < ActiveRecord::Migration[7.1]
  def change
    create_table :embeddings do |t|
      t.references :resource, polymorphic: true, null: false
      t.vector :embedding, limit: 3072, null: false

# app/models/embedding.rb
class Embedding < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :resource, polymorphic: true
  has_neighbors :embedding, dimensions: 3072


Now that the application includes a table for embeddings, any number of other models can be generated with an associated embedding. For this example a basic product with a name and summary is used. The model can be generated using:

rails generate model product name:string description:string
# db/migrations/...create_products.rb
class CreateProducts < ActiveRecord::Migration[7.1]
  def change
    create_table :products do |t|
      t.string :name, null: false
      t.string :summary, null: false

class Product < ApplicationRecord
  has_one :embedding, inverse_of: :resource

  validates :name, presence: true
  validates :summary, presence: true

  def text
    "#{name}: #{summary}".gsub("\n", ' ')

  scope :nearest_neighbors, ->(embedding, distance: :cosine) {
      .merge(Embedding.nearest_neighbors(:embedding, embedding, distance:))


With both products and embeddings, some test data is required. For this use case 5 products can be generated with embeddings using OmniAI:

bin/rails console
Product.create!(name: 'Chair', summary: 'Made of solid oak.')
Product.create!(name: 'Table', summary: 'Made of solid maple.')
Product.create!(name: 'Toaster', summary: 'The perfect companion for a loaf of bread.')
Product.create!(name: 'Microwave', summary: 'Used to heat foods.')
Product.create!(name: 'Fridge', summary: 'Used to cool foods.')

openai =

Product.all.each do |product|
  response = openai.embed(product.text)
  embedding = product.build_embedding(embedding: response.embedding)!

Lastly, an ask function can be defined that takes in a query and does the following:

  1. Convert the query (text) into an embedding (vector).
  2. Searches the products for the nearest 3 products.
  3. Builds a prompt with a system / user message that contains the query and 3 products.
  4. Prints the response to the console.
bin/rails console
def ask(question)
  openai =
  response = openai.embed(question)
  products = Product.nearest_neighbors(response.embedding).first(3) $stdout) do |prompt|
    prompt.system('You are a helpful assistant that answers a question (<question>...</question>) using the attached products (<products>...</products>).')
        #{ { |product| "<product>#{product.text}</product>" }}

That's it! The ask method uses the generated embeddings to sort products by the similarity to the vectorized query. It return only the top 3 results to limit the size of the prompt:

SELECT "products".*
FROM "products"
INNER JOIN "embeddings" ON "embeddings"."resource_id" = "products"."id"
ORDER BY "embeddings"."embedding" <=> '[...]'

Let's try asking a few questions...

ask('What materials are your tables and chairs made of?')

# The chairs are made of solid oak, and the tables are made of solid maple.
ask('What products do you offer for heating or cooling food?')

# We offer the following products for heating or cooling food:
# 1. **Microwave:**
# 2. **Fridge:**
ask('I have some stale bagels. Any product that can help?')

# For stale bagel, a toaster can be quite handy.

In each case nearest comparison is correctly finding appropriate products to pass through to the LLM to answer the provided question.


pgvector offers a great solution for indexing data using LLM generated embeddings. This article didn't cover indexing, the choice of algorithm for usage within the similarity comparison, the choice of the model used to generate embeddings, or the dimensionality of the vectors generated. All merit further research for apps with performance considerations related to data size.

This article originally appeared on